
My Bad

In reviewing my blog's archives, I discovered that I have made an error not easily excused. To those around me, my family, friends, my loved ones, my blog reading faithful, to you indeed I must apologize. Deep in the annals of my blog have I discovered a promise that has gone unfulfilled, a declaration that has gone unheard, a dream that has gone unrealized. I rediscovered my article from July 26th, 2004, in regards to changing my middle name to Zeppelin. In this succulent piece of crafted language I argued the finer points of this name change, and ultimately arrived with the conclusion that I cannot in sound mind refuse Led Zeppelin this honor. I informed my blog-reading public that I should undergo this process immediately upon reaching adulthood. Alas, that time has come and gone! I have reached 18! I can smoke, I can vote, and I can register for the Draft! I have indeed done all three things, and yet one duty has remained undone. To this duty I pledge my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor. I must now become Justin Zeppelin Ehli. And take heart! I shall! For if I were not to fulfill this quest, this desire, this need for life, I should deny my blog readers truth. Am I not merciful? Am I not true? To whom have I lied? What stories have I fabricated? To what point and purpose would I fail to reach my destiny?? From this point I take my leave. I am off to the State to alter my identity. Farewell, my faithful. If I do not return, know that I have died not in vain, but for truth, honor, and integrity! The quest be not sacred that is not guided by truth, and this quest, I assure you, is in the charge of veritable purpose. Ay! Until my next writing, stay faithful and strong, my brothers.

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