
The Worst Blog In The World

Attention all my blog-reading faithful! I have changed my blog's name to "The Worst Blog In The World." The reason for this should be apparent, considering that if I ever had any faithful, they ceased to be such after realizing I hadn't posted for a time period longer than the recent election campaigns (needless to say, a REALLY long time). Obviously I am wanting in time, and am not worthy to be associated with such a noble blog title as "Sonic Intoxication." That name speaks to many aspects of human life, but not at all to extreme laziness AND busy-ness together. Thusly, I must resign my previously-held title. In other news, I finally received my $4,000 euphonium in the mail on Thursday. Cheers to DHL and Baltimore Brass Company! If you're ever in town, stop by Baltimore Brass and say hi to David T. Fedderly. He's a darn nice guy. Until next time, Peace and Free Love (but not free fornication).