

Today I (or is it "i"?) will be discussing the finer points of why the Apple Computer Company decided to name their most famous line of computers the "iMac." In case you're wondering, yes I do have an iMac. Now I know this may result in harsh reactions from my reading crowd, because some people out there are so fiercely anti-apple that they hardly even know why anymore. It's that darn mouse! Only one button confuses me so much! And how can a computer not have a tower? And why the fruity colors? And why black keys on the keyboard? I think all this P.C. propaganda stems from a deep hatred of change. The neophytes out there want you to believe that just because it's slightly different, it must be stupid and impossible to use. Due to this, I even am preparing for the worst -- yes, I am contemplating what I will do should you haters decide to boycott my blog! What, you ask, is my plan for action should such a shocking circumstance arise? Simple. I'll do what I did before my sister told you all to read my blog, and just post for no reason. "Sonic Intoxication" will serve once again for only my interests, as an outlet for writing, for storytelling, for anything and everything I need. Honestly, here's my take on computers. Sure a mac and a pc are different. But I can use either one. And I don't really hate one or the other. Put a PC in front of me, I'll use it. I'm not exclusively mac oriented. But that's what my mom bought, and I'm too poor to buy something else that I don't really care to spend money on. So that's where I stand. Now that I'm done with that pathetic rant, I'll move onto my actual proposed topic of the day. In case you forgot, it's why this thing I'm typing on is called an "iMac."

First off, we all know the origins of the "Mac" part of the equation. Macintosh is a kind of Apple, and the name of the company is/was "Macintosh Apple." Great. You know what, I just realized that absolutely no one would ever care to read more than like...two sentences on my proposed topic. So now that I've thoroughly lost your focus, I'm dumping this topic in favor of one that might hold your miniscule attention span. New topic: Maybe I'll just go with random musings. Why isn't sticky tack sharp? Why is abbreviation such a long word? Why do "overlooking" and "looking over" have opposite meanings?
Check out this guy. He looks intense. These ping pong guys remind me of a frisbee my sister had once that said "Death or Glory" on it. Now, as a big fan of ultimate frisbee, I think that's freaking awesome. But lets take this in perspective shall we? It's a plastic disc. Maybe if they inscribed that saying on like...a bullet. But not a frisbee. I think everyone's original memory of playing frisbee is in the back yard tossing it around and having some fun. Maybe your memory is slightly different, but I don't think many people recall images of "death and glory" when thinking of a frisbee. If I'm wrong, and you're different, by all means please leave a comment. I wanna talk to you. Like if your first memory regarding frisbees is something similar to sandlot, where you try to get the frisbee from some mean dog, that's awesome. Especially if this mean dog hasn't happened to see sandlot and doesn't know that in the end everyone turns out okay. So if one of your friends had his arm chewed off by a dog while trying to get a frisbee, I'm sorry for the traumatic experience, but tell me the story! please. That's how you get glory, risking all to steal a piece of plastic from a ridiculously large dog. The End.



My goodness, has it ever been a while since I've posted in my blog! I would apologize, but it's not that big a deal and no one cares anyway. The story behind the blog: my dad stapled our phone line to the wall, and in the process sent about 3 staples through the line itself. I wasn't entirely aware that this could cause connection problems, and since our DSL wasn't working, i called tech support. After about 2 weeks we finally figured out the real problem, and fixed it. What a ridiculous 2 weeks! For the past 2 weeks, which overlaps the 2 weeks without internet that I was just talking about, I've been doing my A.P. Sr. English summer assignment. Stupid teachers, I wonder whose idea it was to assign homework over the summer!??!? That was a massive assignment on Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, which, despite my negative comments regarding the assignment, is a wonderful book. Dostoyevsky has a real understanding for human nature that is unparalleled by any other writer I know of.

Now that my excuse-making is out of the way, I can get down to business. Today I started my senior year of high school in what is undisputedly the finest school in the SPSL, Rogers High School. Just ask former graduates, like Heather Ehli. Actually, she hated high school, so don't ask her. While this is of little importance to my readers, the event that happened today at school is of the utmost importance to all of mankind. Well, quite honestly, nothing happened today of any importance. I lied. But at least I didn't mislead you down a path into the woods of Mt. Rainier where I magically found a talking bear. Sheesh. Where do people come up with this crap? Anyway, some writing is better than....well..."none" writing. So here you are. Poke fun at me if you wish, but this is all I have to offer after school. Good night. You stay classy, San Diego! I love scotch. Scotchy scotch scotch. Goulet!