Wow, it's been over 2 months since I posted in this! I'm sure no one will read this because my hoardes of faithful readers have all moved on to greater aspects of their lives....But now I'm ready to move on too! As a senior in high school (i know, high school was forever ago, huh?) I've been trying to figure out this thing called "College" (College is the thing that almost every single one of my readers attends--Go Dawgs!). Well, turns out you have to "apply," and hopefully you get "Accepted." Then you have to pay this stuff called "money" to get an "Edumacation." So now that you are familiarized with the schooling process, I shall inform you how I'm coping with this.
Two weekends ago, Sat. Jan. 22nd, I was at Central Washington University, one of the two schools I'm applying to (the other is UPS). Both of these schools are at the top of my list because they both have exemplary music programs with renowned directors. So I was at CWU for the John Moawad Jazz Festival, which they hold every year, and I was the featured soloist (trombone) on one song. After our performance, on the way to our adjudication room, I ran into Mr. Larry Gookin, director of bands at CWU. He said he was impressed with my solo, and we talked about college, and my grades, and music, and other instruments, etc. He then proceeded to inform me that I could get my tuition waivered if I got my application in within 2 weeks. Pretty sure I'm going to Central.
In other reasoning, UPS is 26,800 a year, plus the snooty attitude, minus their director who's leaving next year, minus their current professor of Tuba and Euphonium (who's also leaving and is my current euphonium instructor)....and Central has a great professor of Trombone. And it would be totally good for me to get away from home, though I don't necessarily desire to. And here's the sealer on the whole deal. My favorite restaurant ever is the Campus U-Tote-Em in Ellensburg, across the street from Central. No contest. I'm goin for the burger joint.
In other news, today was the end of first semester. It occured to me over the weekend that since all my transcripts and applications are in, none of my senior year matters as long as I graduate. Wow! What a feeling! So today, being the end of semester, was a half day, and one of the most beautiful days of the year. I went out with friends and played Ultimate Frisbee for 2 hours, which helped me realize how bad my cardio-vascular system is. I've been in weight training all year, but that doesn't work much but the muscles. So I can't run very well anymore. But it felt really really good to be hot and sweaty and have an asthma attack and then drink lots of water and run around some more. Don't ask me how that works, but it totally does. If you know Ultimate, you know what I mean. I hopefully will play again tomorrow, as there's no school all day.
I just looked back at what I've written so far and I realized that this blog is becoming what I never wanted it to be: an actual blog. I'm telling you about my day. I'm not sharing random facts, I'm not showing cool pics, I'm not writing long dissertations on nothing at all. I'm not ranting, I'm not raving, I'm not exposing my genius to an otherwise ignorant world. I'm not chanting, jiving, or even undulating; I'm blogging. Horror of Horrors!