
Why Blog?

Blog. What a fun word to say! Say it with me. BLOG! Ha ha wasn't that great? Well, now that we've had our bonding time, it's blogging time. Why did he start this blog, you may wonder. Does he have hilarity-ensuing adventures on a daily basis to share with me? No, I'm sorry to say, I don't. Does he have a great truth or otherwise unimagined concept which must be revealed to an unknowing world? I'm afraid not. Does he possess some incredible talent which will laugh at the face of mediocrity, defy all benchmarks of the past, and shatter the fragile glass of man's window of understanding? It doesn't appear that way. So why did he create a blog? Why will he expend invaluable time and energy to fabricate a mere intangible mass of memory on my monitor? To extricate this ponderous conclusion from a slough of half-truths and worldly falsities, one must truly, deeply, and completely examine his innerself. Only once this thorough process of exploration has completed it's cycle can one surely know why I blog: Cuz I have nothin better to do.

1 comment:

lissameanders said...

keep writing, justin:)