At the current moment I have no wonderful writing up my sleeve, no techniques to show off, no parallel structure to make use of, and no bright ideas to elaborate on, so I figure I might as well do a shout out to my friends.
Zach-Thanks for providing entertainment that's out of the norm and making me do different stuff. Sorry about Moses Lake!
Tim-Get off your butt and have some fun! Just kidding, way to play trumpet! You're gonna stun Leo when we come back to school.
Steve-The most inventive, crazy, wacky, and fun-loving friend ever. Thanks for teaching me all your guitar stuff, someday we'll be famous together. We gotta hang out and play croquet again!
Jordan-It's plain and simple. All I can say about you is that you're a sexy beast. Keep up the bass, we need you in youth band!
Monica-You're a good friend! I appreciate your wisdom and sometimes obscure sense of humor. You're a lot more fun than you originally appeared to be!
Michelle-Where'd you go?? I lost you! I thought we were gonna hang out this summer! Oh well, we'll just catch up at school next year.
Jeff M-Posse hangout for sure. Get a new car, you bum! And sometime soon we have to play Ultimate frisbee.
Kyle-YOU TOO! We have to play ultimate this summer, too. Don't forget! And lose some weight, you're fat.
Okay, that about wraps it up. If I forgot you, sorry, just ask me what I think of you and I'll tell you. Just don't expect any sympathy. If I'm a jerk, however, take refuge in the fact that Jesus loves you.
A great opportunity has presented itself before me, one which could alter the ways of my life forever and change the way my peers view me. This opportunity, if taken, would be the most ground-breaking decision I've ever made in my 17 years of life. This opportunity would liken my name, my identity, and even my very soul to a musical group loved, revered, and booked for countless concerts around the world. This opportunity is to change my middle name to "Zeppelin" as a tribute to the band that put the blues on steroids. Seeing as this decision is of such great consequence in my life, let us weigh both the positive and the negative effects it could have upon my existence. Changing my middle name would make me "cool" among my peers, but what does that matter? Even teenager drinkers, stoners, and fornicators earn such a title with their friends, and what do I want in common with those of my age? So being cool to my friends is not a paramount issue. Altering my designation would most likely anger my mother, who, with my father, chose the name "James" from the Bible to fit between "Justin" and my surname. My father's reaction may be a different matter, however, since he himself is also a fan of Led Zeppelin. Another issue is whether the novelty of a new name will be long-lived, or if my pleasure with a new identity will wear off in short time. This conclusion cannot be reached at the present time, however. The only way to discover the true answer is to change my name. A last issue which is of vital importance to my life is this: What is my own appreciation for Led Zeppelin and the music they created worth? And what pleasure would it give me to create a lasting tribute to them? None of the previous issues can overshadow this great abungerism, one which is easily answered: due to the influence Led Zeppelin has had upon both my guitar and bass playing, I find taking this opportunity the only fitting way I can show my gratitude for their musical genius and creativity. Therefore, effective immediately upon reaching adulthood, I shall undertake the process neccessary to legally change my middle name from "James" to "Zeppelin."

Why Blog?
Blog. What a fun word to say! Say it with me. BLOG! Ha ha wasn't that great? Well, now that we've had our bonding time, it's blogging time. Why did he start this blog, you may wonder. Does he have hilarity-ensuing adventures on a daily basis to share with me? No, I'm sorry to say, I don't. Does he have a great truth or otherwise unimagined concept which must be revealed to an unknowing world? I'm afraid not. Does he possess some incredible talent which will laugh at the face of mediocrity, defy all benchmarks of the past, and shatter the fragile glass of man's window of understanding? It doesn't appear that way. So why did he create a blog? Why will he expend invaluable time and energy to fabricate a mere intangible mass of memory on my monitor? To extricate this ponderous conclusion from a slough of half-truths and worldly falsities, one must truly, deeply, and completely examine his innerself. Only once this thorough process of exploration has completed it's cycle can one surely know why I blog: Cuz I have nothin better to do.
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